If you are a die-hard Vampire Diaries and Twilight fan, then this one will delight you; for others, just take it with a pinch of salt.

The story of bashful and timid doctor Bikram Roy (Shantanu Maheshwari), who works in a conventional dungeon-looking office, set the premise of Tooth Pari, which is set in Kolkata and shot throughout the city’s dark lanes and stunning vistas. The vampire Rumi (Tanya Maniktala) lives in the Neeche, a dungeon for vampires. She is rebellious and often disobeys the prohibition on consuming recent human blood in one act of defiance and engages in casual flings, bloodsucking, and leisure activities. However, she unintentionally bit a fake face, which damages her canines. She stumbles onto Roy’s centre while out hunting, where Tada, Rumi, and Roy meet. What follows is a gripping tale of love, life, retribution, revolt, and treachery with a lot of action and bloodsucking vampires.

Its writer-director Pratim D Gupta’s expertise with the city and its customs aids in building a confident yet intriguing scenario where undead are strolling throughout modern-day Kolkata. The eight-part series ventures outside of the typical locales in Kolkata, with the Howrah Bridge and the Victoria Memorial in the distance, to the city’s gloomy lanes, hidden nooks, and charming homes. This gives the intimate fable thriller, where the drama takes place largely at night, more reality and substance.
Hindi and Bengali are used interchangeably in the conversation throughout the series. The show depends on our capacity for suspension of disbelief. Then it pampers us for it finds an appropriate setting in Kolkata, with its long tradition of fantasy writing and diversity of architectural genres. The persuasive conjuring of parallel universes falters only when the creators must imagine a mechanism for humans and vampires to interact. How is Neeche so quickly discovered while she is so effectively hidden from Luna Luka and her undead-hunting team?

What helps Tooth Pari ultimately leads to all that it does not. The creators are so fixated on their framework that they need to remember that they have a narrative to share. And when they realise it, they start moving quickly. Tooth Pari is intended to be a tale of love like Twilight at its heart, but where is the love storyline? The alleged connection that Roy and Rumi have together has yet to be fully explored. Teenage youngsters who end up in a confusing relationship can forget things the following day. How can we support them if we have yet to put much into it?
Tanya Maniktala does a good job portraying Rumi, who has a complicated role. Although it could have been done wonderfully, the script gives vampires little time to shine. She engages in a confrontation with Revathi, which is likewise hurriedly cut short. It doesn’t work as a tease, despite the makers’ attempts.
Adil Hussain does a fantastic job of balancing the Upar and Neeche in his capacity as AD. It is a part that has been mocked to create an effect, and it works. Shantanu Maheshwari is good as a shy virgin dentist / secret cook.

Tooth Pari can be a great deal more as a vampire love story genre. However, this show’s weak story and amateurish writing drive a hole through its core. Are you considering watching Tooth Pari? if you try to be rational, then this desi vampire saga lacks a bite.